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50 Things To Do Before You’re 5, helps children from 0-5 become school ready. It has been developed with families to produce a fun resource that offers a wide range of experiences that builds skills & language and supports brain development in young children! 50 Things is a brilliant way to try something new or get outdoors!
Wakefield Mumbler is going to help you get the most from the app by suggesting different themes with activities that relate to the app activity number, so you can have the maximum amount of fun whilst ticking off your 50 Things!!
Download the FREE app now:
Apple store
Google play store
As a family we love getting outdoors and lockdown has definitely helped us to discover different parts of Wakefield District!! Our favourite family outdoor adventure is a trip to Coxley Woods. It’s really local to us (just up from Horbury Bridge) and we think it has it all!! Trees, stream, duck pond, dens, wild garlic and lots of bluebells … a perfect outdoor adventure for the whole family!
Here’s some activities to tick off on the app whilst making memories in the outdoors:
As I have mentioned, we love Coxley Woods (click here for information) but there are a few others around Wakefield that we love too!!
Woods are great places to explore all the senses whether you’re 0 or 100!
All of these things can be experienced by any age; they can find themselves or you can show and tell with smaller ones.
Here’s an Autumn scavenger hunt can be used whilst out and about too!! Click here to download
We have found lots of dens during our woodland walks and we always like to encourage our little boy to add a stick onto the den.
He loves to play inside them, using the holes between the sticks as windows and we usually have a rendition of the 3 Little Pigs and the house made of sticks. Why don’t you give it a try on your next woodland walk … who will be the big bad wolf though!!
Whatever time of year, our little boy loves water!! He’ll usually be soaked within minutes of seeing a puddle or stream!
As a baby we would dip his toes in the water (he was born in the middle of summer!) and as he has got older we have carefully allowed him to experience the joy of water play!
Here’s some ideas of things to try out:
Whilst in the woods collect your ingredients so you can take home and make your natural art!!
If your little ones are being kept busy and enjoying these activities, tick off the other 8 ideas that we have in our 10 Outdoor Activities for Kids blog (click here)
So there you go … lots of ideas to help you make memories with your under 5’s … complete all of these and you’re already 10% through 50 Things!!
Remember to download the app, upload your photos and tag in #50thingswakefield on social media!!